Twin Peaks season two, episodes one through nine notes

Hey all, again. It’s part two of my Twin Peaks notes series, out of an undefined amount between the rest of season two and The Return. Season one’s notes were pretty much whenever I thought of something, I would jot it down, but I got a little more structured with my season two notes. With these, pretty much every bullet point is a scene; and I’m defining scene here not as each instance of INT. or EXT. in the script, but each instance of characters doing a thing or set of things. If that makes sense. Some of them bleed into several bullets just due to so much happening, but that’s mostly how it is.

This also of course includes my basically live reactions to the scenes involving Catherine Martell / Piper Laurie dressing up in yellowface as Mr. Tojamura. Which is the whole point of me publishing these at all. If you all have any articles about Tojamura written by Asian-Americans, I am all eyes too.

Each of these episodes are noted with season and episode numbers, then the number in parenthesis is what the discs define them as, which I put there so I knew which episode to watch next. But if you also have discs, you can follow along properly.

s2e1 (8)

  • season two starts as season one ended, thus continuing the same day as before. unlike the previous episodes, which were mostly day to day. Chris told me this.
  • Cooper has been shot, Andy is on the phone. room service hangs it up for Cooper, which is probably not what Cooper wanted. I am suspicious of this room service person, who does not seem to care about the wellbeing of Cooper.
  • Cooper, while shot and dying, about to sign the check: “Does this include a gratuity?” incredible line.
  • “Man in a smiling bag.” “The owls are not what they seem.” “Without chemicals, he points.” he asked for Cooper’s ring, and disappeared as mysteriously as he arrived.
  • Returning to Ben unintentionally trying to seduce his own daughter, in what is an extremely weird scene. Jerry also gives some cocaine to Blackie and also degrading her looks for being old.
  • Jerry saves Ben from fucking his own daughter with a combination of Audrey’s wits covering herself up with a blanket and her face with a mask. Jerry says there’s a situation.
  • “If you can imagine the weight of three bowling balls dropped from a height of nine feet, you might be able to simulate the sensation. … All things considered, being shot is not as bad as I thought it would be.”
  • “I’d like to treat people with much more care.” says the man who asked if gratuity was included in the check he was signing as he lay shot and dying.
  • Dalai Lama politics is probably the least expected take I’d expected from Twin Peaks, but there Cooper is saying he wishes he could return to Tibet.
  • Leo Johnson was shot. Jacques Renault was strangled. The mill burned. Shelly and Pete got smoke inhalation. Catherine and Josie are missing. Nadine is in a coma from taking sleeping pills. Lotta shit happened at the end of the last episodes.
  • Sarah Palmer’s hair does so much acting.
  • Leland’s hair just changed, but it is doing no acting. that’s right, he killed Jacques Renault. he feels absolved, concluded. nothing can bring Laura back. this is just a temporary salve.
  • Both of them need some help.
  • Ben wants Catherine’s location. and Leo Johnson autopsy. then Leland walks in, singing the same song as before, declaring he’s back and Ben climbs up his desk and dances on it. very on brand.
  • how the fuck does Andy Looney Toons a wooden board into his face. put him into protocol. but they find a new pair of boots and cocaine under the boards. every action is important.
  • Harry playing the side of of course Bobby put the cocaine into James’ gas tank, but also the cop who could never say that anywhere but in this context because he needs proof. incredible acting in just saying “yeah”
  • James buried the other half of Laura’s necklace in the ground, and Jacoby, following Leo but lost him then catching James, dug it back up.
  • Ed telling the story about how he accidentally shot out Nadine’s eye. and how he and Norma were high school sweethearts that just didn’t pan out.
  • Bobby’s dad explaining a vision to Bobby. does everyone have visions in their dreams in this town?
  • someone appears to be interested that Josie is not in town. there are now two Asians in this show.
  • Hank knew Josie left. they’re all in on the burning of the mill, which explains the previous interactions.
  • Leland is falling apart after trying to sing Get Happy at a dinner party.
  • Audrey finds herself praying to Cooper and trapped in One-Eyed Jacks, a little over her head, convincing herself that she can handle it.
  • Ronette has a dream? vision? image? of the same man Sarah Palmer visioned. he appears to be the third man with Leo and Jacques.

s2e2 (9)

  • The episode opens with Cooper explaining to Albert the Dalai Lama and Tibet.
  • The second Asian on this television show is staring intently at Cooper.
  • The first old woman in the meals on wheels rotation is someone who has a grandson who can just make creamed corn move from the plate to his hands.
  • Cooper goes to Ronette to show her the sketches of Leo and the weird, long-haired man from the visions.
  • She of course reacts to the weird man.
  • Ben and Jerry chilling with the ledger and fake ledger, with Jerry eating a piece of smoked cheese shaped like a pig.
  • “well if we don’t burn either of these ledgers because we’re not sure of what the right option is, guess we’ll just eat toaster marshmallows.
  • poor, lovable Andy. just trying to hang a poster of the weird man in the diner, and covering himself in tape.
  • Norma wants the Log Lady to stop spitting her stuff around the diner and into an ashtray, and the log has a message for Bobby’s dad. “Deliver the message.”
  • Andy telling Lucy that he’s sterile while there’s still tape on his head, asking how Lucy can have a baby.
  • Hank and Harry used to be buds. Hank has…since went down a different path.
  • Ben is now concerned with Audrey missing, and has told Hank and the police about it.
  • “Jerry. Please kill Leland.” “Is this real, Ben. Or some strange and twisted dream.”
  • Audrey seems to be ok and is now strangling Emory (department store manager), who is already tied up. she got the info that her dad owns it, she’s running girls through the perfume counter, and that Ben fucked Laura. “Laura always got her way.”
  • Bobby wants to bring Leo home for the sweet, sweet $5k/month disability check
  • Colonel Briggs goes to Cooper with some information. he works as a deep space monitor that tracks places beyond Earth. and then he gets “THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM” message, and later in the morning “COOPER” messages. fucking space is canonically in Twin Peaks.
  • James appears to be starting a slow rock band with Donna and Maddy?
  • Donna gets a call from the next door neighbor of the old meals on wheels lady, Mr. Harold Smith.
  • Maddy sees a vision(?) of the weird long-haired man again, who lunges at her as James and Donna return to her side.
  • Audrey now appears to be less ok and with Blackie and Emory, but got a call out to Cooper.

s2e3 (10)

  • again opening where the last episode ended, but it was at night already, so maybe it continues the tradition
  • another letter found under Ronette’s fingernail somehow
  • “you were visited by a giant?” Harry, I agree with your vexedness at the question
  • Laura wanted Harold Smith and Donna to meet and talk for some reason. Harold is a dude who can’t go outside due to some mental condition or phobia.
  • R B T. Mrs. Palmer, Cooper, Ronette, and Maddy all placed in a circle around the weird, long-haired man.
  • Cooper was shot by a Walther PPK. “It was James Bond’s gun.” it was indeed.
  • I agree with Albert’s entire life thesis, except the part about being an asshole. he follows Ghandi and King, which are strange choices in hindsight, but make sense for a mostly white 90s television show. he denies violence and revenge, etc. because he understands the circle they create.
  • Leland knows the weird, long-haired vision man from his family’s lake house. he thinks his name was Robertson. also of course his family had a lake house.
  • Blackie and Emory are now going to blackmail Ben for money in exchange for Audrey, which lol
  • Gerard (one-armed man) and Harry are looking at shoes, presumably for the department, when Gerard sees the have you seen this man poster, and appears to get lightheaded.
  • I guess Shelly walks in sometime between this, as Harry turns his attention to her in a different room and forgets about Gerard for the time being
  • Cooper smells Shelly’s shit in just wanting the insurance money
  • Gerard is convulsing in a stall, trying to inject something into himself? he doesn’t seem ok. and he left a syringe behind.
  • I feel like Cooper should have told Ben about the call from Audrey earlier than midday after the evening call?
  • Ben is more concerned with Cooper fucking Audrey than Audrey’s safety, which seems par for the course
  • they’ve brought in the other Renault to be the go-between of Blackie/Emory and Ben Horne, and Renault wants Cooper, who he believes killed Jacques.
  • finally checking in with Nadine and Ed. Nadine is still in the hospital and she has a lot of adrenaline in her system, enough to destroy some leather restraints and now metal ones.
  • she awakens, now believing she is 18
  • Jacoby has a younger wife, which of course he does. he’s dressed and surrounded by Hawaiian stuff, and his Hawaiian wife.
  • Cooper hypnotizes Jacoby to learn who killed Jacques Renault. about to reveal who killed Jacques, the scene cuts away.
  • Donna goes to Laura’s grave at night to drop off Harold’s plant gift, and asks if Laura was sleeping with Harold (in jest?). and explains that Donna and James are now together.
  • Donna is mad at Laura, not just for leaving, but creating this dynamic between them where it couldn’t be perfect. it couldn’t be how Donna remembers it. she can’t trust James and Maddy together because of it.
  • “You’re dead, Laura. But your problems keep sticking around. It’s almost like they didn’t bury you deep enough.”
  • cut to James and Maddy, where James talks about how Ed brought Nadine home, and then they kiss to comfort each other. and look maybe they’re all just bad.
  • James, chasing after Donna, yelling “DONNA! … WHY.” well you brought this on yourself bud.
  • Cooper and Harry appear at the Palmer house, and he’s under arrest for murdering Jacques.
  • Donna goes to Harold’s place to confide in him for the betrayal by James. “you care because you care for him.” “I wish I did…” these people still need therapy.
  • Harold has another Laura Palmer diary, as Donna keeps ruffling through his things at random

s2e4 (11)

  • Leland is so filled with grief that he found the first vaguely plausible suspect and just killed him. and now he’s investigated by the police for killing Jacques.
  • Andy asks if he can retake his sperm test and runs into Lucy in the hallway carrying a copy of flesh world. it is wordless, and hilarious.
  • one of the receptionists at the hotel tells Ben that a travel reviewer may be coming to Twin Peaks. I believe this is the show’s fourth non-white character. she is unnamed (so far)
  • Renault is now in Ben’s office and showing him the video of Audrey, along with the monetary demands. despite his tough demeanor, he seems to want to acquiesce to the demands for Audrey. he’s even going to bring Cooper to Renault.
  • Hank is also ready to try to impress MT Wentz by buying tableclothes, candles, flowers, other fancy shit.
  • Harold wants to read to Donna from Laura’s diary. how many diaries did Laura have?
  • Laura had a lot of issues. she wrote about the way Donna can’t or doesn’t understand Laura and her feelings. about how she just wants the small comfort of men in various ways.
  • Blackie/Emory asking for $125k in cash. Ben asks if Cooper will take it there.
  • Josie returns. and learns that Catherine died in the fire.
  • Audrey has been drugged through this whole ordeal to stay docile, presumably. and to not run away.
  • Renault kills Emory. he does not follow the same life thesis as Albert.
  • Lucy now describing her whole situation with Andy and Dick. she’s jealous because he’s sort of jealous, if he had any mean bone in his body. and he’s trying to deal with him being unable to impregnate someone, and Lucy being pregnant. Cooper: “Are you still seeing this…Dick?” lol
  • Norma and Ed are, I assume, about to be very weird toward a guest who is not MT Wentz.
  • Maddy and Donna are back together, and trying to reconcile their weird threesome with James, and also trying to steal the diary from Harold.
  • Josie and Harry are back together, Josie showing off a new sexy gown. Harry immediately asks Josie about whether she burned the mill for the insurance money. probably prompted by Cooper and Shelly with Leo.
  • Josie using her feminine wiles to seduce Harry into stopping thinking about the insurance money, while the show’s second Asian person creepily looks on as a thunderstorm rages in the background.
  • why is Judge Sternwood weirdly hugging Lucy upon his arrival? they probably all know each other, but it’s still weird.
  • Dick gives Lucy $650 “for the… to take care of… you know, the little problem.” what a fucking asshole.
  • Sternwood has a law clerk named Sid who appears to be wearing Native-inspired clothing, and the actress appears to be not native.
  • someone is doing a bad Asian accent at the Great Northern. could do without it.
  • Josie has a visitor and she’s wanted back in Hong Kong. it seems this was a whole plot for six years to get the mill and sell it. I think it’s the dude who’s been creeping around, who I think is Japanese. did they not have another Chinese actor, or is it really just a Japanese guy working with Chinese people?
  • why the fuck is Hank trying to kick someone in the face like he’s a martial artist? just cause he’s fighting some Asian dude?

s2e5 (12)

  • it is morning again. 6:42 a.m. Cooper speaks into his recorder to Diane about a dream he was having that resulted in him eating one of his earplugs. “Diane I am now upside down.” and he finally finds the letter under his bed.
  • Bobby and Shelly working on getting Leo set up at home in a harness to move him around. “sometimes it’s like a women. you just gotta hit it a little harder.” did I hear this wrong?? what the fuck??? fitting for these folks I guess.
  • since there is apparently no courthouse here, they just do it in a bar. what a town. this is actually incredible and I love it.
  • Ben is here, and he does not give a shit. surprised he hasn’t jumped in to join the prosecution since he told Jerry to kill Leland.
  • why is Donna harassing Harold by stealing the diary and forcing him outside
  • now to the Leo Johnson trial, and these proceedings have a big “I watched some lawyer shows on TV and I write these based on them” and honestly it’s perfect for Twin Peaks
  • Sid fixes them all drinks in the middle of a trial. IN THE MIDDLE OF A TRIAL. Twin Peaks.
  • Cooper has been here 12 days in the 12th episode. I get it. “the woods are wondrous here. but strange.”
  • Nadine, coming home: is James at her high school? oh must not be in any of my classes. “WHERE ARE MOM AND DAD?” Ed: “uh, out of town.” Nadine: “oh. ok.” then she rips off the door from the fridge.
  • Tojamura is the person with the bad accent, bad wig, bad mustache, appears to be wearing yellow face. I now hate this.
  • he wants to give Ben $5m for something though. real estate and such. whatever.
  • now Cooper is with Ben doing the deal for Audrey, even though at least Cooper knows she’s at One-Eyed Jacks.
  • Renault is wearing an Assassin’s Creed knife on his arm, which I presume he will hide before he sees Cooper. I think him and this mistress(?) are aiming to take over One-Eyed Jacks entirely.
  • with Lucy gone, Andy is now at the reception desk and he has just so many sticky notes around. he had some sperm disease that lowered his count, but now he’s better. “I’m a whole damn town.”
  • Donna and Harold are writing this diary together, but as with everything around Donna/James/Maddy, it is about deception. is this skinny dipping story Donna tells Harold about her and Laura really true? or more part of their game.
  • just everyone smoking everywhere like it’s nothing is such a 90s thing that’s extremely weird now
  • Harry and Cooper infiltrate One-Eyed Jacks to save Audrey. did Harry…grab this guy’s balls and then he passed out?
  • two parallel “infiltration” stories going on with Harry/Cooper and Donna/Maddy
  • now Donna and Harold are kissing. these children. please.
  • Cooper has no kindness for the people who held Audrey captive, but all of the sympathy for Audrey. great little moment. he also knocks out the mistress or whoever.
  • yeah Renault killed Blackie, which…duh.
  • Hawk kills a man holding Cooper and Harry with a freaking thrown knife. Cooper flipped the map of One-Eyed Jacks earlier when Hawk walked in. great set up.
  • Renault catches Hank calling Ben.
  • Harold catches Maddy trying to steal the book, and Donna immediately gives herself up as accomplices to save her because duh. great synergy between the two scenes though.

s2e6 (13)

  • we again open on the previous night so Cooper’s 13th day in Twin Peaks will have to wait at least a scene. at least James saves Donna and Maddy from their own foolishness / stupidity and from Harold.
  • Cooper is with Audrey and Hawk at the Great Northern, trying to awaken her. it’s still the previous night. two scenes.
  • Donna: “[Harold] could have killed her.” James: “He could have killed you too.” uh huh. these children. James and Donna also relatively reconcile, though I don’t know if there was anything wrong in between them besides that their relationship is based on the connection they have with each other over their dead best friend and that they’re high schoolers.
  • Cooper and Harry deduce that Renault was behind Audrey’s kidnapping – well they have at least the key actors in this.
  • Cooper breaks the news that Audrey is recovering from a drug overdose to Ben. he has no idea there was another operation going on to just straight save his daughter.
  • it’s the next day! Bobby and Shelly are bringing Leo home. good ol’ disability money. lol they’re finding the realities of fees out of their check.
  • now Donna is finally doing the smart thing and talking to Harry about the secret diary that Harold has. Harry: “The last time you played this game, Dr. Jacoby ended up in a hospital bed.” Donna: “It’s not a game.” so here’s the problem with these high schoolers is that the point of view of the adults, they’re playing it like a game.
  • David Lynch appears, screaming and with a hearing aid. he’s Cooper’s supervisor. Gordon Cole.
  • shouldn’t they have taken Audrey to a doctor? this was a drug overdose? whatever, this town is cursed.
  • Nadine returns from the department store with a new dress, saying they didn’t even question why she used a “charge card” (god 90s lingo), and asking when her parents are coming back.
  • Josie and the second Asian on this television show appears to have had sex, because he is buckling his belt and the back of her dress is unzipped. he wants her to go from Seattle to Hong Kong tonight, but she doesn’t have insurance money. she’s worried about Harry. and now he’s choking her, lightly and threateningly, to figure all of her shit out. if season one was about Laura and learning about this town, season two is about the consequences of their actions, especially the mill.
  • James to Maddy: “I think I owe you an apology.” … Maddy: “You looked at me and you saw Laura.” James, you owe Donna AND Maddy an apology. and Maddy, stop chasing the life of your cousin and be your own person. the opening song plays over this scene.
  • Josie and Ben are in his office, talking about their insurance fraud. he’s playing hardball with her money, waiting for contract signings from Iceland. and creepily kissing her cheek and neck.
  • Josie has all the evidence to lock Ben away for a lifetime, and bury them both. and she’s willing to do it. I may love Josie. fuck these white men up. and stop taking shit from Asian men too.
  • Bobby and Shelly are throwing a party for Leo getting out of the hospital. he’s drinking straight from the bottle of Jack. Shelly, you deserve better. he lays a cake in front of Leo, and accidentally knocks him into the cake face first. and then pulls him back by his ponytail to pick him up. lol
  • Gordon: “You remind me today of a small Mexican chihuahua.” ok. Gordon: “I believe in secrecy Coop.” he yells, and proceeds to yell his entire secret statements to Cooper while everyone can hear.
  • Ben, to Leland, talking business: “There’s a group from the Orient that wants in. … …and probably every Geisha within 100 miles.” please stop talking.
  • Josie and Harry together. “I sold the mill. It’s over. I’m going home.” she leaves, forced by Mr. Lee, as Harry declares his love toward her.
  • Tojamura and Ben. I don’t think Ben is even saying the name right. “I know a little about fire. My family was in Nagasaki.” “I’m sorry.” I could do without everything.
  • Cooper and the one-armed man are having a little interrogation. he has multiple personalities, and his other personality, Mike, is an inhabiting spirit. Phillip Gerard is the host. he’s here to find Bob, the long-haired vision man.

s2e7 (14)

  • Hawk, Gordon, Cooper, Mike, Andy, and Harry are all in the police station, jackets on, sipping tea, eating donuts, ready to depart to the Great Northern.
  • everyone at the Great Northern is playing with balls, throwing them on the ground and back to their hand? like handball balls.
  • Mike begins to have some sort of attack while Ben comes into the room asking what the hell is going on. same.
  • Hawk goes to Harold’s after being told about the diary. it’s in disarray. he’s hung himself.
  • Maddy is talking about going home to Missoula to Leland and Sarah. she has had a job and apartment of her own this whole time?? how old is she and she’s hitting on James, a high schooler.
  • everyone is at Harold’s place now. J’ai une ame solitaire. the same thing Brad Delp wrote when he died. maybe Delp was a fan.
  • $42 for all of Bobby and Shelly’s trouble. lol @ Bobby saying he’s missing economics as it is. Shelly, do you also realize you are hitting on a high schooler?
  • Audrey is telling Ben that she knows everything about One-Eyed Jacks and Laura. “Remember Prudence. I wore a little white mask.” Audrey: “Did you sleep with her?” *beat* “Did you?” Ben: “Yes. Audrey: “Did you kill her?” Ben: “I loved her.” Ben, you’re a little fucked up.
  • Shelly and Norma at the diner. Coffee is $0.25 per cup with free refills. the 90s. she’s talking about quitting for a bit to take care of Leo and his $42. I’m way more interested in the relationship and dynamic between Norma and Shelly than pretty much anything else involving Shelly. Norma is a mother figure where it doesn’t seem like she ever had one, or at least a good one if she did. Shelly should lean on Norma more, and literally everyone else less.
  • Nadine and Ed walk into the diner, and she asks Norma how long she’s been working at the diner. then asks Shelly if she’s in their class at school. this storyline is very weird. she breaks a milkshake in her hands. I hope it wasn’t $5.
  • Bobby and Mike return to Shelly’s to greet Leo with his old shoes, with a small tape inside the sole of one of them.
  • Cooper with the secret diary from Harold. it tells about a Bob, that sexually assaulted Laura. and the diary says she will “tell the world who Ben Horne really is.” what was Laura into?
  • Audrey walks into the room, tells Cooper Ben was sleeping with Laura and that he owns One-Eyed Jacks. they’re keeping it secret for now. “without drugs, he points” and Mike pointed toward Ben as soon as he entered the room.
  • Ben and Tojamura are finalizing their deal as Cooper, Harry, Andy, and Hawk walk in. he’s wanted for questioning and for the murder or Laura Palmer. white men always threaten their power in the face of this. it doesn’t work, but honestly it should have. he’ll get out of it. he’s white enough.
  • a record player at the end of a record, not returning to the start because I guess old ones don’t do that automatically. Sarah Palmer crawling down the stairs. weird scene.
  • Ben and everyone get back to the police station, with him in cuffs. he’s taken down to a holding cell. the log lady is in the background. “we don’t know what will happen or when, but there are owls in the roadhouse.” “something is happening, isn’t it Margaret?” “Yes.”
  • Pete at home in the dark for some reason (Pete, turn on a light). Tojamura walks in, creepily. she finally reveals herself as Catherin. there’s no good excuse for this. Pete, relieved his wife is alive at all, cries happy tears of joy and also at the racism I guess. I am at the point where there is literally no excuse for this and it’s spreading across stories to the point of being unenjoyable.
  • the record is still at the end of the record. Sarah is still crawling across the ground. there is a horse in the middle of the room. I presume it to be a hallucination. Leland gets ready in the adjacent room, seemingly unknowning or uncaring of Sarah.
  • we’re at the roadhouse. there’s no owls so far, but James and Donna are there. Cooper, Harry, and log lady walk in. the band that was just there fades out, and the Giant stands on the stage. “It is happening again.” x2. the significance of saying it twice is not lost. and it appears only Cooper sees this.
  • the record player is still at the end. Leland is getting ready. in the mirror is the long haired man. as Leland looks on. he is not really ok. Leland appears as the man and Leland again as he charges toward Maddy and begins choking her. he punches her. twice more. now hugs her, into the air where her feet are off the ground as she gasps for air. and he cries for Laura. the long hair man, in interspersed scenes, kisses Maddy in slow motion. it’s weird also. Leland smashes Maddy’s face into a picture frame, breaking it. and slides a letter D under her fingernail.
  • the same person who delivered his milk at the end of season one goes over to Cooper and says “I’m so sorry.” he appears to know. Bobby, at the bar, may feel something wrong. why not. this show is weird enough for it. Donna is crying about something. maybe she feels it too. death is in the air.

s2e8 (15)

  • EXT. THE PALMER HOUSE – NIGHT. EXT. THE PALMER HOUSE – EARLY MORNING. golf balls and tees everywhere. Leland is hitting off a fake fairway. James and Donna walk in to say goodbye to Maddy. “I just dropped her off at the bus station not 20 minutes ago.” mmhmm.
  • Leland fixes his tie after they leave and he sees the man in the reflection again. going to get his jacket to go out, there’s Maddy’s body in his golf bag.
  • Ben is wiping down everything in his jail cell. and then brushes his teeth. Jerry is there to say hello. “Did you kill her?” “Jerry.” he lights a cigar, and my only question is they let him keep a lighter?
  • Lucy and her sister walk into the police station with a baby. “you must be that native person you’ve told me so much about. Eagle Eye…?” god “how you must hate white people after all we’ve done to you.” “some of my best friends are white people.” please save Hawk from this conversation forever.
  • Cooper is peaking into his recorder, walking through the hotel with Harry. Leland is dancing with a golf club in the lobby. Harry tells Leland that they arrested Ben for the murder, and he seems to be troubled that he killed Jacques for no reason. he was looking for a target. he’s always been looking for a target.
  • the good doctor is getting a blood sample from Ben as Jerry tries to get him released. Cooper shows him Laura’s diary to Ben, which he guesses on the second try. honestly pretty good guess. it’s just a book with writing in it…
  • “…and your blood may have Laura’s fingerprints on it.” Jerry may not be great at his job here. last in his class at Gonzaga, or so says Cooper.
  • Bobby and Shelly trying to solve their $42 problem. Bobby’s gonna send a letter to Ben, as they eat whatever Leo spit onto Shelly’s chest and face, which is not something I would do, but sure.
  • Norma’s mom is at the diner, judging her every action. she has a new husband.
  • the one-armed man / Mike awakens in a bed at the Great Northern, a nurse attendant is there as well as a cop outside. as the nurse leaves and the cop goes to check on him, he attacks the cop and runs.
  • Hank returns to the diner, Norma having caught him betting on a game.
  • Pete comes into Harry’s office. “Harry. Harry, Josie’s gone.” “Yeah, I know.” the assistant Mr. Lee is apparently her cousin Jonathan. “Harry, I have a bad feeling.” “I’m right there with you Pete.”
  • as Cooper and Harry leave to take care of Gerard running away, Andy reunites with Lucy and faints at the sight of the baby.
  • Pete goes to Ben, with a message for him. it’s Catherine on a tape. telling him about the night Laura Palmer died. blackmailing him for the mill back.
  • Leland is driving wildly, singing. “Are driver educations mandatory in your school systems?” Cooper asks as Leland veers toward them and almost crashes into them. “may I show you my new clubs?” uh.
  • Hawk brings Gerard into the police station; Andy, Lucy, and Lucy’s sister Gwen caring for Andy after he passed out. he’s talking about sperm. also it was Gwen’s kid of course.
  • Gerard, Ben, Jerry, Cooper, Harry, and Hawk. “Bob is not here now.” Harry charges Ben with the murder of Laura Palmer. Ben lunges at Harry, which doesn’t strengthen the argument. Cooper thinks Ben didn’t do it.
  • Norma, Hank, her mom Vivian, and her new step-father Ernie are at the Great Northern(?) eating. they of course met at a Republican fundraiser. “I’m trying very hard to tell only the truth nowadays.” lol, I do not trust this man.
  • Cooper’s room. he’s got a piece of pie and warm glass of milk on his bedside table. he’s shirtless, talking to Diane through the recorder. a knock on the door. it’s Audrey. “All I ever really wanted was for him to love me.” I…both believe this and don’t Audrey.
  • Cooper gets a call, and tells Audrey to go to her room and lock the door. they found Maddy Ferguson in the same kind of wrapping as Laura was in.

s2e9 (16)

  • same night; Maddy’s body. the next morning; Albert, Cooper, Harry, and Hawk walking in a line. Albert found the letter O under her ring finger. says it’s the same person who did the other killings. Cooper wants 24 hours “to finish this” before Harry makes calls. Albert wants him to do vision quests so he can find the killer. the man of science wants him to do mystic things. Hawk helps him along.
  • James and Donna at a diner, but not the one.
  • Norma and Vivian at the diner. Vivian doesn’t like the eggs. Andy is also here. trying out his French. Donna and James walk up to him as he says J’ai un ame solitaire.
  • Cooper and Donna go back to Mrs. Woodward’s house. it’s not the same woman as before. Harold left a note for Donna; it’s a page from Laura’s diary. it’s a dream from the same red room with the backwards-forwards talking. “Bob’s only scared of one man. A man named Mike.” she knew the night she would die.
  • Cooper is back with Gerard. “Mike. Bob has killed again. Bob was in my dream. Laura Palmer is in my dream. So were you.” “Bob and I…when we were killing together. It was this perfect relationship. Appetite. Satisfaction. A golden circle.” “My ring. I gave my ring to the Giant.” honestly incredible stuff here.
  • Cooper has a short conversation with the old man. about his milk that can get cold, but it’s getting warmer now.
  • Hawk, Cooper, and Albert in Ben’s office. they’re putting everything together with the same stuffing material that was found in Maddy.
  • Andy and Lucy back at the police station. the repair man listens on as he fixes the sprinkler system.
  • Tojamura is back at the jail with Ben. will she reveal herself as Catherine? does anyone care? who cares. the double jeopardy that Catherine has been put into would be intriguing, which makes this all the more frustrating. she does, by taking off her shoe. literally no one in this show has mentioned that she’s in yellowface. “Clever disguise Catherine. Really brilliant.” ok
  • Leland is home, and Donna is here. she has a tape for Maddy that she wants Leland to mail to Maddy. she’s wearing Laura’s sunglasses. she gets a call from presumably Maddy’s mother or other relation, Bev. she is not home yet. because she is dead.
  • scene cut, but we’re still with Leland and Donna. she’s looking at the picture of Laura, as Leland creepily strokes her hair and brings her a lemonade. long haired man cries out in pain as thunder cracks in the background. Leland dances with Donna irl. getting to the end of this record, which I assume is a bad sign. Leland aggressively hugs Donna as the doorbell rings. Harry is here.
  • Donna is walking…home? but walking outside. she’s crying. on a bench at a lake, James bikes up. Donna has figured it out, that Maddy is dead and he’s told James. James: “We coulda helped her.” Donna: “How?” x2
  • Cooper, Albert, and Ben at the roadhouse/court house. Harry brings Leland in. Ed enters. Cooper wants a large space in the center. tables and chairs are pushed aside. Hawk brings Leo in, with Bobby in tow.
  • Cooper: “but now I find myself in need of something new. which, for lack of a better term, we will call magic.”
  • Laura whispers into Cooper’s ear, from his dream: “My father killed me.” the Giant returns the ring to Cooper now that he’s solved the mystery.
  • Cooper takes Ben and Leland into the police station. he gives his gif-able thumbs up to the old man.
  • Leland says he wants to start bail proceedings as soon as possible. Cooper whispers something to Harry. as they are about to put Ben into the holding cell, they throw Leland in. he goes a little wild in this room.
  • Cooper: “Did you kill Laura Palmer?” Leland/Bob: *howls a couple times* “Yes.”
  • Dick is at the police station. Lucy walks up behind him. Andy is in the room with them. they’re gonna do a blood test to determine the father. I assume his cigarette will set off the calibrated sprinklers.
  • Cooper putting together all the clues about Bob. letters spelling out “Robert”; Robertson at the lakehouse, son of Robert; etc
  • and here are the sprinklers.
  • Leland bashes his head several times against the door. he appears to have let Bob inside of him when he was a child and it is unknown whether Bob is still in Leland or not. Bob wanted Laura as a vessel.
  • Cooper guides Leland “into the light” and to an at least spiritual salvation, knowing that it was not himself that committed all these acts. he succumbs.
  • Cooper, Albert, Harry, and General Briggs talk about the case. “Harry, is it any more believable that a man would rape and kill his own daughter?” “No.”
  • “Where’s Bob now?”

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